The Book Doctor
Congratulations on your writing endeavor! If you've finished your book, I share your excitement with you; and if you haven't yet completed it, I'm sure you're well on your way! But in case you're in need of some assistance on the vital elements that fall outside your actual manuscript, I'm here to help. Even if you're not quite finished with your book, it's important to begin the brainstorming!
In case you haven't been focused in your book production process on the key aspects that require strategic written material, read on for a quick list of what you'll need.

An outstanding title (this goes without saying, but these can be tough!)
An appropriately structured, super-charged subtitle (nonfiction & memoir); a catchphrase (nonfiction & novels)
A stellar book description for:
the back of the book
your online sales outlets (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.)
blurbs you may send out in a newsletter, put on your website, etc.
3 compelling author bios:
a full third-person version for the inside of your book and online outlets
a concise third-person version for your back cover (if you choose to have one there)
a direct first-person version for your Amazon author page
I know these probably seem like no big deal. I wrote a whole book, you're thinking, so the short stuff will be a cinch — until, that is, you actually sit down to write it. Authors unanimously claim that writing a compelling title or subtitle, or boiling down hundreds of pages into an engaging 200–350 word book description is often the most difficult task of the entire writing process. Why? Because the fewer the words, the more they count, and choosing those few perfect words that will make or break your readers' draw to your book can be incredibly challenging for most writers, not to mention notably stressful in some cases.
This is where I can help!

Having studied and executed the particular strategies and structures for crafting captivating, audience-targeted titles, subtitles, book descriptions, and author bios, I know just how challenging it can be; I also know what tactics and processes are required to arrive at a winning result. In addition, I have the advantage of approaching your content from a greater emotional distance than you do, and this can be markedly helpful for an author.
In short, I consider your material from the readers' perspective, which can be difficult for the writer. In doing so—and with the proper writing strategy in hand—the words on your front cover, back cover, and all online resources will serve to draw a reader into your book and let them know if it's their next great read.
If you're struggling with this part of your publishing process, struggle no more! Let me do the hard work—or collaborate with you—to choose those vital words so you can sell more books!